It's always an honour to be accredited for one's work by independent sources, and Joyful Paws is proud to have been recognised accordingly.
For the past 7 years since 2018, Joyful Paws has consistently been evaluated as one of the top three trainers in Coventry by 'Three Best Rated'
AWARDS ~ 2024
Huge thanks to Midlands Enterprise Awards for choosing Joyful Paws as 'Best Dog Behaviour & Training Service, Coventry ~ 2024'
Huge thanks to Lux Life for their award given to Joyful Paws as
'Best Dog Trainer/Behaviourist of the Year 2024 ~ West Midlands'
Much appreciated!
AWARDS ~ 2023
Huge thanks to Lux Life for their award given to Joyful Paws as
'Best Dog Trainer of the Year 2023 ~ Coventry'
Much appreciated!
AWARDS ~ 2022
Very proud to announce that Joyful Paws has won an Influential Businesswoman's Award for the 2nd year running.
This year, I was awarded 'Dog Trainer of the Year, U.K. ~ 2022', a great achievement.
My grateful thanks to Acquisition International.
AWARDS ~ 2021
I was delighted to have won this award, courtesy of Acquisition International, as this not only recognised my skills in working with dogs, but was also in recognition of my skills as a businesswoman.
Since I am solely responsible for my own marketing, sales, website, social media (Facebook, Instagram), this was a great personal achievement for me, and also for Joyful Paws.
AWARDS ~ 2020
In October 2020, I was contacted by a lady in Mexico requesting my help! It seems that local trainers in her hometown were advising her to use Electric Collars to correct the 'bad behaviour' of her dog, and she was unhappy about the advice.
Inquiring as to how she found out about Joyful Paws, she directed me to the website of 'Pooch & Harmony' where we were listed as number 2 out of 15 of the Best Dog Trainers in the U.K. by them.
Very flattering, particularly as I had no idea ! Needless to say, I was happy to help her via a video call.
Joyful Paws won the Lux Life 'Best Dog Behavioural & Training Service, Coventry ~ 2020'
Joyful Paws won the Midlands Enterprise Awards 'Best Dog Behaviour & Training Service, Coventry ~ 2020'